Enter your User Name and Password and log on to your Tevera account.
The website address is: https://lesley.tevera.app/#/logon
Go to the Assignments section and click the “Complete Assignments” button.
Scroll through your list of Assignments to find the form titled: “Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of Clinical Intern.” This form is found towards the bottom of the list of Assignments.
Click the + sign on the left side of the “Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of Clinical Intern” document. Hit the “Start” button. A pop-up window will appear.
1st Field: From the drop-down menu, select your Internship Site Supervisor’s name. They will complete this Assignment.
2nd Field: Your Site Supervisor’s name should also be here. They will also electronically sign the document.
3rd. Field: Your name should be here.
Hit the “Submit” button.
When you Submit, the form will be automatically emailed to your Internship Site Supervisor with a request that they complete and sign it.
TIP: It is helpful to let your supervisor know to be expecting the email that will ask them to complete the Evaluation.
They will receive a notification in their regular email that they have this Tevera task to complete. They may also access the Assignment by clicking the tiny envelope at the top of the Tevera screen.
Once they have completed the Site Supervisor’s Evaluation of Clinical Intern assignment, the document will be sent back to you for your review and signature.
IMPORTANT: Your Site Supervisor must be registered in Tevera in order to complete the form. If you do not see their name listed on the drop-down in the pop-up window, or are unable to Submit to them, they have not registered.
What do I do if my Site Supervisor has not registered?
They may have already received a link to register but have not yet completed it. If they have not yet received a link to register, please email (or have your Site Supervisor send an email) to Mary Plouff at [email protected] and a registration link will be emailed to the Site Supervisor.
You will see the Assignment status has now changed to “Waiting On” with your Internship Site Supervisor’s name to the right of the status. They will receive an email, but you could also let them know that you have initiated the form for their completion.