Virtual Bookstore Faculty FAQ

Modified on Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 2:45 PM

A Training Video is available for your convenience in addition to the following frequently asked questions for making your material adoptions for your courses.

Virtual Bookstore Log-In


Placing Adoptions


Q. I would like to re-adopt course materials from a previous semester. How can I do that?

A. If you taught a course in a previous semester, you can re-adopt those materials in one click! Go to your Course List and find your course. Select the I’d like to re-adopt from a past adoption option. If desired, use the drop-down to change the semester from which you’d like to re-adopt. If these are the materials you’d like to adopt, click the One Click Re-Adopt button. You can also de-select specific materials from the list if you’d only like to re-adopt some materials.

Q. I don’t see the option to re-adopt materials from a previous semester. What should I do?

A. If you are on your Course List and don’t see the I’d like to re-adopt from a past adoption option for a course, then it could be that you have not taught this course in a prior semester or you didn’t use this portal to submit your past adoptions. If you have the ISBN or title, select the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process option and use the Search by ISBN or Keyword option to search for the book.

Q. There is a book I used previously when teaching a different course. How can I adopt that book?

A. Make sure you have selected the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process option. Then select the View Detailed Adoption History filters to search for your previously used material.

Note: you will only see filter options if you have used this portal to submit past adoptions.

Q. Last semester I adopted two different course materials but this semester, I only want to adopt one of those materials. Can I use one click re-adopt?

A. If you only want to adopt one of those materials, you can simply de-select the specific materials from the list. When you click One Click Re-Adopt, only the selected materials will be submitted.

Q. I am teaching multiple sections of the same course and I would like to use the same material(s) for all sections. How can I do that?

A. In your Course List, you will see each course + section pairing that you are assigned to. Select one pairing, make your adoptions and then click the button to confirm. The portal will recognize if you are assigned to teach multiple sections of the same course and will ask you if you want to apply these materials to all sections. Make your selection and click Submit.

Researching New Materials

Q. I would like to search for new course materials. How do I do that?

A. The easiest way to search is to click on Search from the left-hand navigation. From this page, you can search for an ISBN, book title or keyword to find a list of relevant results.

Q. I have the ISBN for a book I’d like to adopt. How can I find the book?

A. If you know for what course you want to adopt this ISBN, find the course in your Course List. Click on the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process and select Search by ISBN or Keyword and enter the ISBN. Once you find the book, click Use This Book and when you are finished click Submit Adoptions.

Q. I searched on an ISBN or title, but the book could not be found. What should I do?

A. First, verify that you have entered the ISBN correctly. If you have verified and the book could not be found in our database, you may request that the book be added. To make this request, click on the link provided on the No Results Found page. Complete the required fields and then click the Add Title button to submit this material to the Bookstore Manager.

Q. I have a list of the materials I’d like to adopt in a spreadsheet. Can I upload it somewhere to submit my adoptions?

A. Yes! Within the course, click on the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process and select Upload File. Select the file you’d like to import and click upload. You will see a message letting you know either that your upload was successful or that there were errors. If successful, click Submit Adoptions.

Note: If you are a Department Administrator, you likely have access to the Upload Spreadsheet feature. Using this feature, you can upload and submit adoptions in bulk for multiple courses and multiple instructors.

  1. When on the Course List page, click Upload Spreadsheet in the right-hand corner.
  2. Download the file template, complete the file and then save to your computer.
  3. Browse for the file and import into the portal.
  4. You will be taken to the confirmation page once the adoptions are submitted.
  5. Can I request a Desk Copy?
  6. Currently, you cannot request a desk copy from the Adoption & Insights Portal.

Adoption Submission

Q. I am not using any materials for a course. How do I indicate that?

A. Select the I’m not using any materials for this course option. If you are using an Open Education Resource (OER), select Yes. Then click the Save Changes button.

Q. How do I add an item to my adoptions that is not an actual book?

A. In the Search box, you can search for non-book materials and add those to your course. If the item could not be found in our database, you may request the item be added. To make this request, click on the link provided on the No Results Found page. Complete the required fields and then click the Add Title button to submit this material to the Bookstore Manager.

Q. How can I view my adoption history?

A. Select the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process option and then View Detailed Adoption History. From here, you can view your own adoption history by course.

Q. I teach across multiple campuses. How does the Adoption & Insights Portal solve for this?

A. Your Course List within the portal is centered around you, not the course. All your assigned courses, regardless of campus, will be visible in your Course List.

Q. What information is displayed on the Course List?

A. On the Course List, you will find your personalized, assigned course list for the semester. You can change the semester using the drop-down at the top of the page. Within your Course List, there is a separate section for each course. At the top of each section, you can see the catalog number (course ID), course name and campus (if applicable) as well as the Instructor name.

Q. How do I indicate to students that a material is required or recommended?

A. When viewing the expanded book or item information, there is a section starting with This item is: with two options. One option is labeled as Required one is labeled as Recommended. Required is selected by default. If you wish to make a material optional for students to purchase, select Recommended.

Q. How do I indicate to students that they can use a material purchased previously?

A. When viewing the expanded book or item information, there is a section called Note to Students. You can use this box to enter a message that will be visible to students on the online bookstore when they are viewing their course.

Q. Can I add a note for students to see when they are purchasing their materials?

A. Yes, use the Note to Students section to add a message that will be visible to students on the online bookstore when they are viewing their course.

Q. How can I view my material list?

A. From the left navigation, choose Course List. This will display a list of all your assigned courses. The list is sorted by Courses Not Submitted first, then Courses Submitted. You can view your adopted materials by each course submitted.

Q. How do I submit my adoptions?

A. When you have finished adding materials to your course, click on the Submit Adoptions button at the bottom of your course. When your course has been submitted, you will see a confirmation message.

Q. How can I confirm that my adoptions have been properly submitted?

A. After submitting your adoptions, you will see a confirmation message on the page. You can verify if your course(s) have been submitted by looking in the upper right corner of each course listing. If you see the Submitted icon, your adoptions have been submitted. Courses still needing adoptions will show Not Yet Submitted.

You will also receive an email confirmation for each course submitted.

Q. How can I share my adoption with a colleague?

A. From the confirmation page, you can click on the 3 dots in the upper right corner of the course listing. The Share Adoption will appear allowing you to share your adoption with others via email. Enter the email addresses of those you wish to send your adoption to.

Q. When I try to submit my adoptions, I get a Not Available message. What can I do?

A. Your account may be flagged as a Read Only account. Please contact your bookstore manager if you have any questions or concerns.

Q. When I try to submit my adoptions, I get a The adoption period has ended message. How can I submit my adoptions?

A. The deadline has passed, and your institution is no longer accepting adoptions for this semester. Please contact your bookstore manager.

Q. I am responsible for a cross-listed course section. How can I submit adoptions for both sections?

A. When you click Submit Adoptions, you will see a popup which will ask if you want to apply your adoptions to other sections as well. Select No Thanks if you want to only submit for the one section and select Yes if you want to apply those adoptions to other sections.

Editing Adoptions

Q. How do I add, edit or delete an adoption?

A. To edit an adoption, find your submitted course in your course list, keeping in mind submitted courses appear at the bottom of the list. Click on a title to see the expanded book details and information. From here, you can update the message shown to students, condition and/or requirements. You can also delete an item or material from your course.

  • If you would like to add additional materials to a submitted adoption, click Add Course Materials and search. If you find a material you’d like to use, click Add This Book to add it to your course. You may add as many materials as you’d like to the course. Make sure to click Submit to save your changes.
  • To delete an adoption, click Delete Adoption to remove all materials from the course.

Note: If you are submitting an adoption or editing a submitted adoption after the adoption deadline, you may need to provide a reason for your submission. Choose the reason for your change from the dropdown list, if applicable.

Q. How do I change my adoptions after they’ve been submitted?

A. From your Course List, view your submitted courses.

To edit an adoption, find your submitted course in your course list, keeping in mind submitted courses appear at the bottom of the list. Click on a title to see the expanded book details and information. From here, you can update the message shown to students, condition and/or requirements. You can also delete an individual item or material from your course.

  • If you would like to add additional materials to a submitted adoption, click Add Course Materials and search. If you find a material you’d like to use, click Add This Book to add it to your course. You may add as many materials as you’d like to the course. Make sure to click Submit to save your changes.
  • To delete an adoption, click Delete Adoption to remove all materials from the course.

Please note that after a certain date, adoptions may become locked and cannot be changed. Contact your Bookstore Manager if you encounter any issues.

Affordability Solutions and Open Educational Resources (OER)

Q. How does the Adoption & Insights Portal fit in with my school’s commitment to affordability?

A. Within the Adoption & Insights Portal, you can find low-cost or no-cost affordability solutions, recommended in line with your relevant courses.

To review recommended affordability solutions,

  1. Select the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process option.
  2. Click on View Affordability Solutions.
  3. Review the recommended solution to determine if you would like to adopt it for your course.
  4. Click Use This Book to add the solution.
  5. When ready, click Submit Adoptions to place your adoption.

You can also learn more about other Affordability Solutions by expanding on that section in the left-hand navigation.

Q. I am using Open Educational Resources (OER) in my course. How do I indicate that?

A. If you are not adopting any traditional course materials that would need to be sourced by the bookstore, select the I’m not using any materials for this course option. Then select Yes in response to the question of whether you are using OER for this course.

If you would like to explore other OER options, use the View Affordability Solutions tab under the I’d like to be guided through the adoption process path.

Help & Support

Contacting the Bookstore

Q. I would like to send a note to the Bookstore Manager about an adoption. How can I do that?

A. If you have a specific note or comment for the Bookstore Manager about an adoption you just submitted, you can use the Share Adoption feature to email your adoption(s) and a note to him or her.

You can also send an email to the Bookstore Manager from the Contact the Bookstore page. To get to this page, expand the Communication Hub section in the left-hand navigation.

Technical & Non-Technical Support

Q. How are bugs or technical difficulties addressed?

A. If you are experiencing technical issues, contact the Adoption Support team via 24/7 chat or phone.

There are two places to find the Support contact information and several ways to contact them.

  1. Along the right-hand side of the portal, view the Support callout.
  2. Visit the Adoption Support page (from the left-hand navigation).

From both places, you can:

•Click on the Open Chat button to start a chat

Call Adoption Support: 877-713-6697 Monday –Sunday  8:00am –5:00pm (CST) 

Email: [email protected]

Q. I am responsible for submitting adoptions for my entire department, how do I do that?
A. Contact your bookstore manager, they will be able to update your permissions to submit for multiple courses.

Q. Who do I contact if I need additional assistance using the Adoption & Insights Portal?

A. If you need general assistance using the portal, please contact the Support team via chat, phone or email. If you need assistance regarding your adoption materials, you may also contact your Bookstore Manager. Visit the Contact the Bookstore page by clicking in Communication Hub on the left-hand navigation, then Contact the Bookstore. From here, you can send an email directly to the Bookstore Manager. 

Q. What are the system requirements?

A. The Adoption & Insights Portal is a web-based portal that requires an internet connection and an updated web browser. Here are system and software recommendations for the best web experience:

  • Operating system: Windows Vista or later Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or later Google Chrome OS 
  • Web Browser: Google Chrome (most recent 2 versions) Mozilla Firefox (most recent 2 versions) Apple Safari (most recent 2 versions) Microsoft Edge (most recent 2 versions) 
  • Internet connection: 1 Mbps or better Additional Software: None

Faculty Communications

Q. How will I know that it is time to submit my adoptions for a semester?

A. When it is time for you to submit adoptions, you will receive an automated email reminder. Click on the button within the email to be taken to the portal where you can research and submit adoptions for your assigned courses. Once you submit adoptions for all your assigned courses, you will no longer receive email reminders related to that semester.

When you are in the Adoption & Insights Portal, you might also see a message displayed across the top or on the right-hand side of your Course List. These messages are to remind you of the upcoming adoption due date.

Q. What types of emails will the Adoption & Insights Portal send?

A. You will receive automated email reminders from the Adoption & Insights Portal if you are assigned to courses for which adoptions have not been submitted. Once you submit adoptions for all your assigned courses, you will no longer receive email reminders related to that semester. Depending on when you submit your adoptions, you could receive up to 6 emails.

You might also receive email reminders sent by your departmental leader, provost or Bookstore Manager. Those messages are sent on-demand at their discretion.

Q. Can I opt-out of the automated email reminders?

A. These reminders are sent to assist you with adhering to adoption submission deadlines for compliance. Therefore, you cannot opt-out of these reminders.

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